Elements of the Visa Process

Elements of the Visa Process

By Jimmy Quinlan

One of the biggest topics of debate in today’s world is what to do about the U.S.-Mexico border and the people coming across unauthorized. As of right now no progress is being made and there seems to be a stand-still on any type of progress to fix this issue. But one step that could help to solve this problem is to better the legalization process of refugees and migrants trying to become U.S. citizens.

Since 2014 more than 4,000 fatalities have been recorded of migrants trying to cross over into the U.S. unauthorized. Because the immigration system in place now not only can take between six to seven years but also costs over 700 dollars, money not everyone can afford. In order to become a U.S. citizen, the applicant needs to go through a process called naturalization. This is a that makes the applicant not only have to have certain eligibility requirements like being 18 and being able to speak and write basic English. After that they also have to submit forms, take a test, do an interview, fill more forms, and take an oath. And although this does not sound like a lot, each process can take somewhere between one to three months. Also, to become a U.S. citizen right now is $725 with the price of just under $500 to renew a green card every 10 years. And with some immigrants working for pennies in other countries that could be a life time savings, causing them to have to come over unauthorized.

"The U.S. is one of the wealthiest countries in the world so to make people pay large amounts of money to come here is counter-productive and unethical,” said Jennifer Bulcock, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Assistant Director of the Center on Immigration at Cabrini University.

These immigrants are trying to start a better life in America, but the issue is not just the system. It is trying to run away from a life of violence in the migrant’s home country. Many immigrants are trying to escape a life of violence, gangs, and drugs and start a new life where they can make a decent wage and be safe in America.

One organization that was established to help immigrants become citizens is the newamericanscampaign.org. This campaign is a network of non-profit partners who can help immigrants apply for U.S. citizenship. It does this by equipping local organizations with the knowledge and resources they need to help lawful permanent residents overcome barriers and complete citizenship applications.

They are also a national network led by the ilrc.org. It was created by five grant makers who believe immigrants make profound contributions to the American communities and economy. Since 2011, the campaign’s affiliates have generated more than 300,000 applications for naturalization.

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